Donation matching programs
Ways to donate
Zeffy (preferred)
Zeffy is a platform for non-profit donations. It has the shortest processing time and it comes with 0% fees. You can select the cause your donation will go towards, and can also make your donation recurring. You will receive a receipt confirmation for the tax-deduction purposes.
PayPal Giving Fund
PayPal Giving Fund comes with 0% fees too but the processing times are slower than Zeffy. You will receive a receipt confirmation for the tax-deduction purposes.
Other payment methods
Unlike the payment methods above, these methods have fees associated with them.
Checks and cash
Cash and check donations can be made at any of our events.
Checks can also be mailed to our address:
Belarusians of Boston and New England
1 Washington Mall #1137,
Boston, MA 02108
Please, consider becoming a member of our organization by subscribing to a monthly donation. We are developing a benefit program for our members, that might include exclusive gifts and discounts. In the meantime, please consider becoming a member to support our initiatives. You can cancel your subscription at any time.
This means that when you make a donation, you can deduct the value of that donation from your taxable income. This can potentially lower your tax liability and increase your refund. Donating to a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization is not only a great way to support a cause you believe in, but it can also provide some financial benefits through tax deductions.
We provide acknowledgement letters that include the amount of the donation and a statement confirming that no goods or services were provided in exchange for the donation. These acknowledgement letters will serve as proof of your donation and will be necessary if you are ever audited by the IRS. To receive an acknowledgement letter, please donate via Zeffy or PayPal.
Our organization is run by volunteers: 100% of your donations go towards our initiatives.
Thank you for considering supporting Belarusians of Boston and New England!